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Why “Diets” Don’t Work!!!

Although humans are one species, we are all very different. We have different body shapes, different genetic makeups and different past relationships with food. For this reason, nutritional advice should be designed to suit the individual and one “diet” does not fit all. For example, the BMI or body mass index is a general guide...

Could your lunchbox toxic?

It is well known that plastic products such as water bottles, lunchboxes, plastic food wrapping, and storage containers can leach harmful chemicals into our food and may even cause health issues. Choosing the right products and minimising plastic in your everyday life can help ensure the safety of your and your families health. More and...

Is Camel Milk The Next Superfood?

In recent times, camel milk has come in the lime light for its alleged potential therapeutic benefits, that some even call “white gold” which is capable of fixing a whole host of diseases and disorders. It’s the latest health-fad drink. You may have never heard of camel milk before but in the Middle East it...

Flipped Classroom – Nutrition Counselling Technique?

Further to Learning Styles and Nutrition Counselling, understanding and incorporating learning styles can improve outcomes for our clients in professional practice. Therefore, when it comes to nutrition counselling it is important to utilise different and appropriate techniques to help maximise the education of clients and improve the outcome of consultation sessions. One potential technique could...

Low Energy Diets – For Type 2 Diabetes

When attempting weight loss it’s important to remember that dietary changes need to be sustainable for long-term success. Type 2 Diabetes (and other chronic diseases) is associated with obesity. Many research studies have shown that weight loss can significantly: 1) reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes (and other chronic diseases), and/or 2) improve...

Why you should be drinking green tea!

Green tea is getting more attention recently, especially for its health benefits. Asian countries such as China and Japanese have recognised the benefits of green tea for many years. There are many studies supporting the health benefits of drinking green tea. Green tea differs from black tea in that it is not fermented before drying....

Have we been living a big fat lie?

Fat has long had a bad image as far as our food is concerned. In the 1960’s it was common belief that fat was our enemy and the time when supermarkets began stocking low-fat products. However, by removing fat from products such as cheese and yogurt, it also removed their flavour and to mask the...

15 Healthy Food Swaps To Make Today

Maintaining a healthy diet is much easier than you think! You can start by swapping just a few of your everyday foods for delicious healthy alternatives next time you go shopping. Here are 15 healthy swaps to get you started. Healthy Swaps: Cappuccino – for – Black coffee with a dash of milk, Herbal tea,...

The Dairy “Paradoxical” – Why isn’t low fat dairy more beneficial for weight loss compared to full fat dairy products?

There are many types of milk products on the supermarket shelf so, which one is the healthier choice? As an Accredited Dietitian for more than 30 years, I have followed the logical doctrine that: Full fat milk and other dairy products such as yoghurts and cheese, has more energy than low fat dairy and therefore,...

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