Could your lunchbox toxic?

It is well known that plastic products such as water bottles, lunchboxes, plastic food wrapping, and storage containers can leach harmful chemicals into our food and may even cause health issues. Choosing the right products and minimising plastic in your everyday life can help ensure the safety of your and your families health. More and more, BPA-free lunchboxes and other plastics are promoted as safe alternatives to regular plastic products. However, some studies examining BPA-free products have questioned their safety as BPA is simply swapped with another chemical that may be just as harmful. With so many varieties of plastic products to choose from, it can be quite confusing to know which ones are the safest to use. And in that case, the best you can probably do for your family (and the planet) is to go with products that contain minimal or if possible no plastic at all.

Health & environmentally friendly lunchbox alternatives

There are a wide range of lunchbox choices that are non-toxic, reusable and great for your health and the environment! Consider these alternatives next time you are shopping for a new lunchbox:

  1. Stainless steel lunchbox and water bottle – Most stainless steel products contain minimal to no plastic. They are a little more expensive than the plastic alternative, but they will last a long time, saving you money in the long run!
  2. Eco insulated lunchboxes – There are many environmentally friendly products that are plastic free! Eco insulated bags are great for keeping food cool and fresh. They are also easy to clean and come in a range of colours and patterns. Great for kids and adults.
  3. Glass containers – Glass containers usually come with a plastic lid but the container itself is glass. These would be more suited for adults as the glass could possibly break in children’s school bags.
  4. Paper bags – Instead of wrapping a sandwich in plastic wrap, try using paper bags or paper wrapping to minimise plastic from your lunchbox.


Bittner GD, Yang CZ, Stoner MA. Estrogenic chemicals often leach from BPA-free plastic products that are replacements for BPA-containing polycarbonate products. Environmental Health. 2014 May 28;13(1):41.

Gies, E. (2011, Apr 18). BPA-free and safe? it’s not that simple. International Herald Tribune Retrieved from

Yang CZ, Yaniger SI, Jordan VC, Klein DJ, Bittner GD. Most plastic products release estrogenic chemicals: a potential health problem that can be solved. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2011 Jul 1;119(7):989.



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